Hey there,

I’m Rachel, a Brooklyn babe with a love for adventure.

I write to celebrate the present, highlight my joys, and better understand the paradox of vulnerability.

Love + Travel is my way of exploring new landscapes within myself and the world.

Expect reflections on nature, poetry, book reviews, event recaps, and so much more.

If you feel compelled to share your travels and experiences or want to give feedback on something I’ve written, you can reply to this message or any post and your message will come right to me.

I can’t wait to hear from you.


You’d have my undying affection if you choose to like, comment, or share my work. To support my creativity even further consider upgrading your subscription, sliding me an iced coffee, or adding a book to my shelf

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A chronicle of adventure for people who enjoy exploring landscapes within themselves and the world.


Brooklyn-born poet + writer. Love + Travel reflects the landscapes she explores within herself + the world. 📍NYC