Such a beautiful article Rachel 🩷

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Thank you!

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I love this! I had to take a quick trip down memory lane. This reminds me of all the days I spent outside, riding my bike and eating junk food with my friends. Depending on the day right before the streetlights came on, I would rush inside and ask my mom if I could stay outside just a little bit longer. The times when being a kid my parents didn't have to worry about me and my whereabouts. Not a cellphone around.

My kids enjoy spending time outside and sometimes they go to the park as soon as they get off the bus. A quick text to ask is enough. I encourage them to go outside and be kids because they won't be this young and free forever. Now that summer is here, I take them to the park during my lunch break sometimes.

Thank you so much for sharing. 🖤

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I respect the fact you rushed in prior to the street lights came on 😂 if your mom was like mine there was no negotiating once them lights were on - you better be inside. Your kids are lucky to have you, you get that this time is liminal and encourage them to enjoy it to the fullest. Happy summer season to you, Alex.

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Yes and I hope you enjoy your summer as well. 😎

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Jun 20Liked by Rachel Leeke

This was so beautiful and sad and hopeful!! How dare you?!

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A high compliment 🥰 thank you!

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The summer has been a traumatic one for me as many of my worst memories come from this season. I am attempting this year to find beauty and healing.

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Oh Robert 😞 I’m sorry to hear that. I’m glad you’re open to taking new perspectives while accepting what is.

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Beautiful reflections, Rachel, and thanks for the shout-out!

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Thank you and you’re very welcome! Keep up the great work!

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Every line of this was gorgeous - familiar and breathtaking at once.! I both lived it and thought of my children and their summers now, and then I thought of the children in Palestine, in Sudan, in the Congo, and what their versions of this must look like.

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Gorgeous familiar a breathtaking - what a trifecta 🥰 thank you, Noha.

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Jun 21Liked by Rachel Leeke

Rachel! This piece! Ugh my heart strings. The romanticisation of summer as a child is a high I’m still chasing 😂 it was so good? You captured the innocence and playfulness so beautifully.

Ps that memoir looks fab - adding to the list x

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Right! I’m trying to recapture that carefreeness this summer but, spoiler - I care a lot 😂😅.

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Jun 24Liked by Rachel Leeke

I just love the descriptive narrative shared. It has brought back so many memories and broad smiles. I also wish and pray the same for the children. Truly enjoyed every bit of this passage. Thank you so much for it.

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Thanks for reading, my Yana. ♥️

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